Maintaining Machinery, Upgrading Equipment, and Other Industrial and Manufacturing BlogsMaintaining Machinery, Upgrading Equipment, and Other Industrial and Manufacturing Blogs

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Maintaining Machinery, Upgrading Equipment, and Other Industrial and Manufacturing Blogs

Do you work in the industrial and manufacturing sector? Do you manage or own a facility? Do you want guidance on how to maintain machines? Are you looking for tips on how to find everything from the right caster wheels, to the best cooling tower replacement parts, to the most effective industrial floor mats? Then, I'm glad you found this blog, and I think it will provide what you need. This blog is a collection of some of the most interesting ideas from the internet and beyond. It includes a mixture of experience, thoughts, facts and advice. Take a look, and share these posts. Thanks for reading.

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What Are Some of the Different Finishing Techniques That Are Used By Sheet Metal Fabrication Companies?

When you have something custom-made by a sheet metal fabrication company, you will probably want it to last a long time. Therefore, you might ask about having your item finished before you pick it up. You might even have an existing metal item that you need to have finished, and you could be thinking about having it finished by a sheet metal fabrication company, even if you don't need to have any other sheet metal fabrication work done. These are some of the different finishing techniques and products that sheet metal fabrication companies often use.


When you think about having items painted, you might think about wooden items. However, other types of items can be painted as well, including metal. There are even special paints that can be used on metal. Some sheet metal fabrication companies will apply primer and paint to items that they are finishing since this can help the customer get the finished look that they want, and it can work well for protecting the item too. 

Powder Coating

In general, painting is sometimes done in sheet metal fabrication companies. However, powder coating has become more and more popular as an alternative to painting. Powder coating is considered to be less messy, better for the environment, safer and healthier for the operator and more durable and long-lasting. It can be used to change the colour of your item and to provide proper protection, so it is definitely a finishing technique that you should ask about when working with a sheet metal fabrication company.

Metal Plating

Metal plating is very commonly done in steel fabrication shops. It involves using chemicals on the outside of a metal item to change its chemical composition. Metal plating can give your item a much more attractive appearance, and it's great for preventing rust and corrosion. It can also overall make your metal item more durable.

Buff Polishing

Buff polishing involves using buffing equipment — such as a cloth wheel — to literally buff the surface of the metal. This can help get rid of any scratches, smudges or other imperfections on the surface. It can give your item a nice, smooth surface, but it's not the best solution for making your item more durable in the long term.

As you can see, there are a few different finishing techniques that you can ask about when having finishing work done on metal items in a sheet metal fabrication shop. These shops often offer other surfaces and help with other types of finishing, so don't be afraid to ask them about the best finishing method for your project.